Tag Archives: Eisenhower Military Industrial Complex Warning

Eisenhower Farewell Speech Military Industrial Complex Warning

Eisenhower’s farewell address, also sometimes referred to as “Eisenhower’s farewell address to the nation,” was Dwight D. Eisenhower’s final speech as President of the United States. This was delivered across the nation and further, on television broadcast January 17, 1961.

This speech is most famously known for the advocation to the nation, to be watchful against the potential Military Industrial Complex. This is a term Eisenhower is credited with coining. His speech also showed concern for the future and the very dangers we are seeing today of massive over spending, in particular, deficit spending. A person need look no further than current President Obama and his multi Trillion dollar deficit to see what we were warned about.

Eisenhower additionally expressed concern over the prospect of science taking over through the way of Federal funding and subsequently, science based public policy dominating by something he referred to as “scientific technological elite.” Again, just look at all this “global warming,” now it’s “climate change,” scaremongering.

As per Google:

mil·i·tar·y-in·dus·tri·al com·plex
  1. a country’s military establishment and those industries producing arms or other military materials, regarded as a powerful vested interest.

The Military Industrial Complex as per Wikipedia

The military–industrial complex (MIC) is an informal alliance between a nation’s military and the defense industry which supplies it, seen together as a vested interest which influences public policy. The term is most often used in reference to the system behind the military of the United States, where it is most prevalent and gained popularity after its use in the farewell address of President Dwight D. Eisenhower on January 17, 1961. In 2011, the United States spent more (in absolute numbers) on its military than the next 13 nations combined.

Source:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military–industrial_complex